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Tuesday, September 06, 2005

Tuesday's Tidbits

It's back to work now and blogging after a brief absence and very nice weeklong vacation. It's been a tumultuous week, hasn't it? I've been gone for most of it, but the news wasn't very far beyond and we kept up on the day to day struggles of those caught by the worst disaster I can remember.

The pictures of what happened to the gulf states couldn't have been more horrific. And unlike many who seem to want to point fingers and blame, I'm going to spend my time today, praising those remarkable people who lent a hand, risked their own lives and saved thousands of people. Yes, some died and my prayers go out to those families who are suffering and have lost loved ones. I guess, in a disaster of this magnitude, death is inevitable, no matter how fast the response time.

But to those wonderful people who got out there quickly and stayed I have to say you're our true heroes of the day. I keep seeing pictures of water rescues from boats and helicopters and those airlifts -- oh boy -- I'd be scared myself, I can just imagine what some of those senior citizens felt like being hoisted up and onto the helicopters. There will be, I'm sure, some of the most inspiring stories that come out of the disaster of saviors, of fearless courage, of the great humanity of our country.

Today, I'm dwelling on the positive. I'm thinking of and thanking heaven for miracles, both big and small. While I know that things were chaotic in those first few days and the level of frustration we all felt, in watching many suffer and wondering why help didn't arrive faster, I also know that the people out there sent to rescue did their level best. Let's not forget them. Let's give praise where deserved and not discount their sacrifice.

I know of one woman in RWA who lost her home and while this was happening her husband, a member of the Coast Guard, was out saving lives. Their family is thankfully safe, but they lost everything. In the face of disaster, the human spirit and the American spirit, glows with warmth and love. That's what I want to dwell on today.

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