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Saturday, November 26, 2011

UP FOR BOOK OF THE WEEK at The Long and Short Reviews!

My second installment of the Worths in Red Ridge, THE COWBOY'S PRIDE has been nominated for the BOOK OF THE WEEK!

I hope you'll lend a hand by voting Saturday and Sunday...THIS weekend!  VOTE HERE

Vote for Book of the Week! Thank you!
Here's a little bit of the review.  

Ms. Sands does a beautiful job of creating two characters that practically sizzle the pages with their tangible chemistry. It’s obvious early on that both Clay and Trish are still attracted to one another. When they finally give into a “pre-divorce fling” readers will understand why they begin to question their motives for separating in the first place. Ms. Sands brings the reader right into the scene and I can tell you everyone walks away satisfied.

Ms. Sands is an auto buy for this reviewer and shouldn’t be missed by anyone who appreciates clean writing and a story that carries the reader on amazing and heart felt journey. 
Honeysuckle at TLASR

For the full review click here

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