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Thursday, January 12, 2006

Taking the Day Off -- not!

Okay, so I woke up this morning and thought that I've been in a rut. The weather outside is beautiful and I'm stuck inside glued to my computer. I thought that I deserved a day off. So when I woke, I made myself a cup of coffee and read one the books I'm judging for the RITA's, the booklover's version of the Academy Award. It's a big deal in our industry and you have to be an author in order to judge the books. Well, it was a sheer joy to allow myself the time to read and I really liked this book. I read a few hours last night and today, I finished it.

Then, what to do? What to do? Yes, I found myself back at the computer. Well, there are countless things to do around the house, especially since we'll be in the throes of a kitchen remodel soon. But, no. I opted to sit down and do some fun things at the computer. I read and answered my email and lo and behold, I picked up the bible for the continuity I'm doing, and decided that I could work on that for just a few minutes today. I really had an idea brewing in my head that needed someplace to go --like in the synopsis. So here I am -- on my day off, writing my blog ... working on my story.

But I promised myself, I'm off the computer before lunchtime. Yes,that's good. I'll do that. Then I can do WHATEVER else I want to do on my day off.

Unless, I get a burning idea that needs my attention. Then, I'll open the window. That's sort of like being outside on a beautiful day, isn't it?

Oh -- and on the TITLE CONTEST -- Still waiting to hear about the official title from my editors. Check back tomorrow. Hopefully we'll have a winner or two!

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