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Sunday, February 20, 2005

Monday's Musings

Rita Judging. I'm happy to say I'm nearly finished with the books I'm judging.
All in all, I like the format of judging books from all romantic genres. I didn't think I would, because basically, my tastes and personal preferences run to a very small circle of books, namely, western historical and long and short straight romances, both category and single title. But I found that I CAN like books with suspense, paranormal elements and other historical times. These are books I wouldn't pick up to read normally, so it's been a good lesson for me-- understanding that a good book is a good book and the same holds true that good writing is good writing.

Reading two books a week, being given about one month to complete the judging has definitely taken time away from my own story, HEIRESS BEWARE, but I find I can always learn something from reading other authors, often time, it inspires. So I have one book left, then it's full speed ahead with the completion of my amnesia story.

Happy Birthday to two great Americans -- George and Abe!

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