Not that they aren't fun. I usually have a wonderful time and nobody knows how to party and have a good time better that a bunch of (2000 strong) romance writers. I find myself thinking about what I'd be doing if I were there. Wednesday nights are always a blast. We have a Literacy Signing and all published authors in attendance line up in long rows of tables, sometimes as many as 400 authors, and we sign our books. The event is open to the public and the money raised all goes to charity for literacy. Often times, each group of authors, for me Desire and Historicals, runs a contest and a little game. Afterwards, we usually go to our Chapter's Suite where we once again, have a party.
This morning, I'd be at the Harlequin Hussy breakfast, like at 7 AM somewhere in the hotel and usually about 15 or us meet sometimes for the first time and have a casual breakfast. The rest of the day is workshops, or meetings. Friday nights are saved for the Publisher's parties -- and Harlequin does a great one. Usually I go to dinner beforehand with my editor with a couple of her other authors. This year the party is at the RITZ. THAT, I will definitely miss. Saturday night is always the Rita ceremony and afterward, another party.
It's tiring just thinking about it and all that goes on. And usually I don't get much sleep. Takes days after I return home to wind down and catch up on sleep. I had a great time in Dallas two years ago and Reno last year. But this year, I'm home and happy to be so. Next year is Dallas again. I'll go and the year after, it's in San Francisco. I can't wait for that one! So I guess I needed a breather, a little reprieve and I'll hear all about the conference, the gossip, the winners of contests, what the editor's said, from my friends.
It's almost like being there.
1 comment:
I got a little bluesy about not going this year. Alot of the Cobblestone Press authors went and I so wanted to be there with them. :D
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