I know I should be thrilled. I'm getting a brand new kitchen, the demolition team due here any minute to completely destroy every tile, every cabinet, every appliance I've used for the past 20 years. But the sentimental fool in me is already missing the kitchen where I fed my children breakfast, where we sat for hours doing homework together, where I would cook elaborate and not so elaborate meals for my family. The very kitchen I'd damned for tile grout too hard to clean, for chipped floors and outdated appliances, I now think I'm going to miss. What can I say? I'm loyal and I truly love my home. And when the kitchen goes today, so will a small part of my heart. Silly? I think so too, after all I'm getting a newly designed kitchen, but will it take 20 more years to put my personal stamp on it? I guess I'll just have to wait and see, but I'll reminisce about our "good old kitchen days" I'm sure.
Well, I'm off to make my last cup of coffee. Out with the old, in with the new, as they say.
Be sure to visit me this week at http://www.desireauthors.com/blog/blog.html
I'll be blogging and running a Valentine's Day contest!
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