I can't believe it's April already! Time for spring break, Easter and Passover holidays. For birds chirping outside my window, for fluctuating weather, especially in California, highs in the 80's, lows in the 40's. Baseball!
And since it's the beginning of April, our new 2006 Spring From the Heart Contest will up an running. Here's a look at the prizes. Be sure to enter and check back for other new and exciting contests and giveaways happening soon. Don't you just love my new June cover?
Did any of you get fooled on April Fool's Day? I love to hear those stories. When I was younger, I would try to think up silly things to say, but I'd always get caught. I'm a BAD liar. And I can't keep a straight face. I remember a prank pulled on my girlfriend and me that really had us stumped. As we left the movie theater, we were gabbing as girls do until we reached the parking lot and where we thought the car was parked. It wasn't there, so we continued searching for my car -- couldn't find it. We hunted and tried to recall where in heck I parked my car. We really tossed this back and forth. It was here. No, it was there. Then, when we couldn't find it we thought for sure, my car had been stolen.
Stolen? Yes, it had been, by our chuckling husbands, who had decided to move my car to another location and watch us try to find it from their hiding spot. Oh, they'd had a good laugh over that one!!
I'm the other half of that April Fool's joke...and our husbands are still laughing to this day!
Did we ever reciprocate? I can't recall if we got them back? If not, it's never too late
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