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Friday, September 09, 2005

Friday's Finds

It never ceases to amaze me the amount of information one can get from going ONLINE. This morning, as I woke very early, unable to sleep, I logged on to check email. And I found some very interesting items in my email. Recently, I subscribed to, an inspirational non-denominational site, where I receive all kinds of messages of inspiration. Today was especially interesting about the power of silence. Now, I've never given this much thought, but as I read this inspiring piece, the words so beautifully written about the silence of the ocean, and the Indian power of healing through silence, I realized that much of what was said can be true. The ocean is like a living being, and just watching the waves in early morning or at dusk, when it's you and nature alone, can be pretty awesome. It went on to say how just like all living things, the ocean breaths, through the coming and going of waves hitting the shore. It was truly an early morning inspiration for me.

Then I moved on to a health site and learned a little bit more about preventing breast and ovarian cancers by the foods we eat, our lifestyle and other tidbits. It's terribly amazing how much powerful information is out there, and how diverse it all is. I figure, if I can learn just one new thing every day, I'd be better for it and sometimes I seem to absorb everything I read, like a sponge, wanting more.

And my last exploration was to head to my favorite country western radio site. There, I read about upcoming concerts and of course, I entered a contest to win free tickets to a show at Disneyland! Well, one can always hope. Those were my pre-dawn exploits -- nothing too fancy or provocative, but it helps while away the time, waking me enough to begin my writing day.

It's early - early and my trusty "attack" cat Skittles is by my side as always, up on my desk, cuddled next to the computer. She's an inspiration in itself!

Off to work now.

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