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Tuesday, September 13, 2005

Tuesday's Tidbits

Do you ever find that some days you simply have to tune out the world? Lately, the stress level from watching the news about the hurricane disaster and all the controversy surrounding it, just gets to be too much. I found myself tuning in for hours in the beginning, to see a disaster of proportions almost to terrifying to imagine and I think most of us watched with open-mouthed stun. We simply couldn't believe the scope of the disaster. Then -- when all of our efforts should be on the rescue, so many found time to point fingers of blame. The political fallout from something that should know no politics, has been hard to watch. I tend to focus on the positive, the people who risk their lives to save others, the incredible generosity of Americans sending aid and money to help the cause.

But sometimes, it's all too much. Sometimes, even an hour a day, is too much, and though I don't like being uninformed, for peace of mind and my own sanity, I tune it all out. I'll watch baseball. My team, the ANGELS are in first place and I'm already having baseball withdrawals that the season is ending soon. Or I'll watch a repeat of LOST or DESPERATE HOUSEWIVES, talk about escapism. Or sometimes, I'll simply read. That's the most relaxing of them all.

I think many of us don't realize we need to DE-STRESS the way some need to DE-TOX. We need to allow ourselves time to sit back and relax and enjoy something. We need that "vegging" time. Do yourself a favor and tune it out, once in a while.

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