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Monday, April 11, 2005

Monday's Musings

It's Monday and time to get serious again. I was so thoroughly taken by our own Rebecca Forester's workshop on Saturday at my OCC meeting. She spent the afternoon explaining about how to fix your manuscript when you know that something is wrong. She used a pyramid/cupcake analogy which helped define what she meant. The crux of your story is the bottom layer or cake itself, that's the foundation which means the story/plot and characterization. If that's not right from the beginning, then your story won't work. Next is the frosting- meaning the cutting, tightening, continuity. You must show not tell among other important things, all of which we know, but must be reminded of on a daily basis. The cherry on top, is the writing style. Make if flow, make it beautiful, but we must always remember that even the best, most beautifully written story isn't going to work if the foundation isn't sound.
Very good advice and if you read my Friday post, you know I struggled with my plot. Well, thanks to Rebecca, I was able to find and fix all my flaws! On Sunday no less!

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