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Tuesday, March 08, 2005

Tuesday's Tidbits

It's election day for the mayoral race here in Los Angeles, my bowling day with the all-ladies league, and the night for the girls to sing on American Idol. Okay, so how am I going to get any writing in with all these distractions? I have editing to do, a scene to rework and another proposal to look over. Somehow I will manage, but the distractions are coming more regularly now and though I miss my story and characters when I can't get to them, sometimes I have to take a step back, and give myself a break. I've learned to do that after raising two children,working two part-time jobs, volunteering as a high school mentor and PTA duties along with being a one-time Girl Scout leader. Yes, those insane days are basically gone now but what I learned from all that craziness, is that it's okay once in a while to indulge without guilt. You can't force the writing. You have to want to be there "in" the scene and once I realized that, I learned to give myself a break. The next time I sit down at the computer, I'll be more productive and creative, because I want to be there. So for today, maybe I won't get any writing down on paper, but basically a writer is always writing, in your head, in your day to day observations and nothing you experience in your life goes to waste. So, I'm off to vote, bowl and shop then sit down to watch Idol. Oh, and if I get any writing in today, it's icing on the cake!

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