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Thursday, May 26, 2005

Friday's Finds

I've been too busy these past two days to post, so I'm writing this on Thursday night for Friday. I'll be out very early and back late in the day, hoping not to hit a lot of freeway traffic on my way back into town at the start of Memorial Weekend.
Every writer should have a non-writer friend, plot buddy and someone to bounce off ideas with, regardless of their age or gender. For all my writing life, my husband has been a great help to me. He's a great chess player, meaning that he can foresee moves well in advance. Did I mention that plotting is hard for me? Well, when I get stuck (I'm unsticking myself as we speak) I sit down with my dear hubby and go over my idea for a story. I tell him what has to happen, what I want to happen and when I can't get the story to work. He, in turn, looks into his crystal ball, sees the future of my story and helps me sort things out. Even if I don't use his exact idea, just talking it through spurs my own imagination and usually I can find a solution. There hasn't been a book I've written yet, (going on 14) where I didn't use his help. And you'd think that with all his creative input, he'd actually read my stories. But no, he's not a romance reader. He's a behind the scenes (or should I say, behind the computer man) and he's a great guy to boot, so I've given him advance forgiveness for not reading my next story! A girl can't have everything. Hey, that's a great title, isn't it?

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