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Tuesday, May 03, 2005

Tuesday's Tidbits

I'm finally done with the "synopsis" and boy was that a struggle. I would find myself doing everything and anything to postpone sitting down and writing it. But I have to say, that once I forced myself, not allowing myself any more excuses, then the thoughts really came to me. Did I mention, I'm no good at plotting? It's really my weakest point and once I nail down the plot and write the synopsis, it's pretty much clear sailing. I'm hoping to do a final read through and edit then send these two proposals off to my editor by the end of the week. I'm a goal-setter and I like to have a plan in mind and something to shoot for. Once those are off, I'm free, I'm free. I can finally work on the new story I've been trying to get to for a few years now. It's something different than I've written before and I hope, something that will be fun to write.

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